Equitable Support for City Precinct Groups

Since the 1990s, Council has invested in Precinct Groups around the City of Adelaide, with a view of building economic prosperity among their businesses and for the City overall.

North Adelaide Precinct • Melbourne Street

City South • Hutt Street

Grote Precinct • Gouger Street • China Town • West End

East End

They each have defined areas, worthy of Council support to enable them to build their local patch. Some have been disbanded. Some have reformed with new enthusiasm. Some have remained strong throughout 2+ Decades.

Many do remain strong today, although struggle with a funding model that remains at levels similar to the turn of the century. However, business has become more complex, with extra drains on their finances, pushing many close to the wall.

To assist them to foster their creativity and support the many thousands of volunteer hours generously donated by the members on their committees, working groups and projects, I strive to revisit the funding model to appropriately fund the Precincts into the future.

Of Note, if Council were to pay for these volunteer hours and for the knowledge these Business Professionals bring to their respective precincts, the cost to Council would be Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars greater.

I believe they deserve a more equitable funding support model to encourage more business owners to volunteer their passion and get involved to shape their Precinct's identies and future prosperity.